Hi First Grade Friends,
Doctor Kristie took me for a walk on the beach! This is called Baker Beach, and it is very near to a famous bridge - the Golden Gate Bridge. I was a little bit disappointed when I saw it, because I thought it would be made of gold, or at least painted gold. Really it is dark orange, but it is still beautiful.
Doctor Kristie took me for a walk on the beach! This is called Baker Beach, and it is very near to a famous bridge - the Golden Gate Bridge. I was a little bit disappointed when I saw it, because I thought it would be made of gold, or at least painted gold. Really it is dark orange, but it is still beautiful.
Look at the hill on the left. Do you see the shadow of the cloud? Can you tell where the sun is? |
Look what I found growing in the sand. It is the state flower of California. It is called the golden poppy, and it grows wild all over the place. It has a pretty color that reminds me of egg yolks, but it doesn't smell nice like many flowers do. It has no smell at all.
As soon as we left the beach, we went to the bridge to take a walk on it. There is a sidewalk that goes along the whole way across, next to the lanes where the cars drive. It is windy up there!!! Luckily, Dr. Clarke held onto me, or I could have blown away.
The big ship that has just passed under the bridge came all the way from South Korea, bringing containers of things for us to buy. I know that you have been learning about natural resources in different parts of the world. All countries send things to sell to other countries that want to buy them.
Big ships like these are called container ships, and many of them are criss-crossing the oceans every day.
The next place we went was downtown. Jaylen asked a question about buildings. I will show you 3 famous ones. Look at the pointy building. I know that you have been learning about 3-dimensional shapes. What shape is this building?
That's right - a pyramid! It's name is the Transamerica Pyramid.
There are many more interesting buildings in the city. The one on the hill is called Coit Tower, and it is supposed too look like the nozzle on a fire hose. Do you think it really does? What 3-dimensional shape is it?
The next part of sightseeing was taking a boat trip. We saw a famous old prison. It is called Alcatraz, and it is all by itself on an island. It is closed now. The people who were sent to this jail couldn't escape. There is water all around it. Can you name the shape of this building?
Jamarion asked if I went to the library or saw any books. I didn't go to a library, but I did go to a book store, and I bought a book about San Francisco. I will bring it back when I come home next week. It is a non-fiction book about something that happened here a long time ago. It is hard for first graders to read, but I think you will like to hear your teacher read it to you.
Traveling is great! One thing that I learn on every trip is that there are interesting things to see and do everywhere. I am always happy to come home, though, and I will see you at school next week.
Your friend,
Flat Stanley
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